
Showing posts from December, 2017

Incentive Day

Hello my name is Brianna R. Today we’re going to be talking about December 21st which for Heritage Middle School is Incentive Day for going up on two Map tests. Which I did go up on two map tests my math map test and only one of my ELA tests (sorry Ms. Haury) which on my Map test on math I went up 5 points and on my last ELA test I went up by 11 points! So me and one of my best friends Destiny R. Chose at first the movie room to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas but then Ms. Haury told us that we had to do that during third block (we only have four blocks then we leave at 3:17) which for me that day was Social Studies then the next day it would be science because we switch from a day to b day and that day was a b day then after social studies I have math lab then on a days after science I have gym and the whole entire class of I think 70 kids has to change into our gym uniforms so yeah byeeeeeeeeee

MAP testing!!

 Helloooo everyoneeeee my name is Brianna R. So actually I HATE map testing so yeah but I went up SO MUCH during MAP testing because I study on my math tests and for ELA class (my favorite class ever!!) I went up 11 points in reading and in math I went up only 5 points and I feel like I could’ve done a lot better but yeah I think that’s pretty much it so yeah byyyyyyeeeee!

Fiction story PART TWO

Hello and welcome back to my blog and if you’re new my name is Brianna R. Here is part two of my fiction story.... Grandpa: “Ok here’s what happened I got into a tiny argument with you’re mother and I accidentally hit your mother... out of anger.” Dad: “DAD HOW IS THAT AN ACCIDENT SHES ON THE FLOOR!?!?” Grandpa: “Ok I got really mad at your mom when she said that it’s none of my business on what she’s doing and I said yes it is my busi-” Dad: “ IF SHE SAYS ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS THEN ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS OK DAD!!” Grandpa: “All right well I won’t do that anymore *mutters underbreath because I killed her*” Dad: “what did you just say did you just say that you killed mom?’’ Grandpa: “n-no why would you accuse someone like ME of killing your precious precious mom?” Dad: “You killed her didn’t you YOU MURDER KIDS GO UPSTAIRS AND LOCK THE DOOR!” Sarah: “Why?” Dad: “NOW SARAH!!” John: “Lets just go already...” So as their running Sarah says, “John do you know what happened back there...


Hey people I’m Brianna R. Today we’re going to be talking about forgiveness and do I forgive people all the time well most of the time the only person I don’t forgive is my little brother his name is Nathan R. The definition of forgiveness is the  the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven. sorry I really don’t know the definition of forgiveness *-* But if I wasn’t clear I do forgive people just not Nathan 🙂

My superhero

Hi my name is Brianna R. Here’s the name of my Villian named Death her age is 17 she is middle class she lives in Berwyn she works at Starbucks her salary is $20 (a week) she has the power of being physic she was born on 7-23-00 she has no siblings no spouse no children


Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog and my name is Brianna R. Today as you can see we’re going to be talking about honesty and am I honest 100% of the time well, not always but because I don’t want to get in terrible trouble with my mom and ONE time I lied to my teacher I’m not going to say her name because she’s a INCREDIBLY nice teacher not reading this blog I hope because she’s my excel teacher. But the definition of honesty means to tell the truth and no if I wasn’t clear I’m not honest 50% of the time sorry Ms. Haury well at least I’m telling the truth right now!!

Slice of life

Hello and welcome to my blog and my name is Brianna R. Here’s my slice of life (this past weekend) My brother broke his finger and how he broke it well... here’s how I’m not very sure but he told me a lot of what happened.... I came home I flung my coat to the couch and I see Nathan (my little brother) crying on the couch and I ask him what happened and he said: “I was talking to Gramma and she said to get in the backseat of the car so i closed the door and i wasn’t paying attention and i slammed my pinkie in the door and it didn’t start bleeding until we got to the house because my fingernail was hanging off of my finger and gramma thought it was a good idea to RIP off my finger nail.” So I said “ WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT SHE SHOULD'VE LEFT YOUR NAIL ON BECAUSE NO MATTER WHAT YOU LEAVE YOUR NAIL ON AND LET IT FALL OF ON ITS OWN DON’T LET GRAMMA DO THAT EVER AGAIN!?!?!” So as I freaked out like a lunatic and said (in Spanish) “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT GRAMMA HE’S BLEEDING!!!”