Slice of life

Hello and welcome to my blog and my name is Brianna R. Here’s my slice of life (this past weekend)
My brother broke his finger and how he broke it well... here’s how I’m not very sure but he told me a lot of what happened.... I came home I flung my coat to the couch and I see Nathan (my little brother) crying on the couch and I ask him what happened and he said: “I was talking to Gramma and she said to get in the backseat of the car so i closed the door and i wasn’t paying attention and i slammed my pinkie in the door and it didn’t start bleeding until we got to the house because my fingernail was hanging off of my finger and gramma thought it was a good idea to RIP off my finger nail.” So I said “ WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT SHE SHOULD'VE LEFT YOUR NAIL ON BECAUSE NO MATTER WHAT YOU LEAVE YOUR NAIL ON AND LET IT FALL OF ON ITS OWN DON’T LET GRAMMA DO THAT EVER AGAIN!?!?!” So as I freaked out like a lunatic and said (in Spanish) “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT GRAMMA HE’S BLEEDING!!!”


  1. Ick! That sounds so painful! I hope it's better now :( Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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