Hello my name is Brianna R. I am the middle child out of 5 kids I am 11 years old at Heritage Middle School (HMS) I Love Soup 🍜. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister, I think 💭 I am AWESOME 🤗 I ummmm😐 have been to MANY fun places.
Hi and welcome back to my blog and if you’re new my name is Brianna R. So the happiest day of my life was when I found out I was a big sister to 2 brothers one was already born the other was just born on EMILY Z’S BIRTHDAY
“Brianna can you go to my volleyball game?” Says Emily, “I don’t know let me call my mom really quick.” I respond, “Mom, can I go to Emily’s volleyball game today... it’s at Freedom.” I say to my mom and she responds, “Okay but stay together and if you don’t stay together you can’t go anymore! Understood?” Says my mom very strictly I tell her, “Okay we will.” I say as I hang up... “Can you go?” Asks Emily, “Yeah But my mom said we have to stay together.” I say, “Sounds good to me.” Says my friend Belen. “Yeah same here” I hear from my other friend Aliyah E. (or something like that) So as we were walking to freedom we pass by my dad’s house which is a block away from freedom so I tell my friends, “That’s where my dad lives!” Emily responds with, “He lives there with your baby brother right?” “Yeah why o-o-oh right I forgot sorry...” (that story is to be told another day) “Yeah sorry is right!”
Hi and welcome back to my blog and if you’re new my name is Brianna R. If I was President I would make a law same gender marriage is legal, I would make another law about no gangs, no drugs,no sexual harassment,no identity theft. I would take away the law that you can’t drive until you are 18 and make it you can’t drive until you are 21 beacause even though that’s the law people drive when they are younger by having my law that you can’t drive until you are 21 you have your I.D. you have insurance and less likely to drive without a license, and less likely to get into accidents. I would take away the law you need to be 5 to qualify in kindergarten because you have to wait until you are either 5 or wait a year to be in kindergarten which isn’t fair because you’re taking children away from being in school when they can be learning instead of staying at home not going to school to get educated. That’s what I would do if I was President.
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