Incentive Day

Hello my name is Brianna R. Today we’re going to be talking about December 21st which for Heritage Middle School is Incentive Day for going up on two Map tests. Which I did go up on two map tests my math map test and only one of my ELA tests (sorry Ms. Haury) which on my Map test on math I went up 5 points and on my last ELA test I went up by 11 points! So me and one of my best friends Destiny R. Chose at first the movie room to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas but then Ms. Haury told us that we had to do that during third block (we only have four blocks then we leave at 3:17) which for me that day was Social Studies then the next day it would be science because we switch from a day to b day and that day was a b day then after social studies I have math lab then on a days after science I have gym and the whole entire class of I think 70 kids has to change into our gym uniforms so yeah byeeeeeeeeee


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