Fiction story PART TWO

Hello and welcome back to my blog and if you’re new my name is Brianna R. Here is part two of my fiction story.... Grandpa: “Ok here’s what happened I got into a tiny argument with you’re mother and I accidentally hit your mother... out of anger.” Dad: “DAD HOW IS THAT AN ACCIDENT SHES ON THE FLOOR!?!?” Grandpa: “Ok I got really mad at your mom when she said that it’s none of my business on what she’s doing and I said yes it is my busi-” Dad: “ IF SHE SAYS ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS THEN ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS OK DAD!!” Grandpa: “All right well I won’t do that anymore *mutters underbreath because I killed her*” Dad: “what did you just say did you just say that you killed mom?’’ Grandpa: “n-no why would you accuse someone like ME of killing your precious precious mom?” Dad: “You killed her didn’t you YOU MURDER KIDS GO UPSTAIRS AND LOCK THE DOOR!” Sarah: “Why?” Dad: “NOW SARAH!!” John: “Lets just go already...” So as their running Sarah says, “John do you know what happened back there John I mean I know that I have good hearing but WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED JOHN TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED NOW!!!!” John: “So this is what I heard......”

                                              To be continued...
                                                Part three coming soon!


  1. I can't wait to see what happens next! This is such a scary/sad story! Thank you for sharing.


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