
Showing posts from May, 2018

Goals for seventh grade

One of my goals for seventh grade is to get better at writing, reading, and finishing my homework on time. My other goal would be to not get a detention but I know that I’m going to get at least a couple fouls but I don’t really care about fouls, as long you don’t get a detention you’re ok.

What is poetry?

Poetry, is simple poems it’s basically just poems LIKE EVERYDAY IN SCHOOL WE HAVE TO WRITE POEMS AND no offense ms. Haury I HATE IT!! *hyperventalates* I’m ok now ok bye

Pick a poem and anylize it- Shel Silvertein the giving tree

“Take my apples, boy, and sell them to the city. Then you will have money and you will be happy.” And so the boy climbed up the tree and gathered her apples and carried them away . And the tree was happy. I think that this poem means that if you have something to do you should continue to do it and don’t neglect it

2 poems and such........

Poem 1: Dogs, are the best They don’t have a nest They chew on random toys But they don’t chew on boys  Treats when they are obedient I pretend they are a client I pretend they are my stuffed animals We work with decimals in school Don’t give dogs chocolate I’ll get to school late Poem 2: Blue is the color of the ocean The ocean often causes commotion  When it causes commotion I go into motion When I go into motion  There are a lot of emotions One of those emotions is kind When I get to school I get reassigned partners Because I am a gardener And I need an air cover

Free post (about my best friends)

Emily Z. A.K.A. Fabio is in my math class where I am currently writing this blog post. Emily and I have been friends ever since the beginning of fifth grade when we wanted to work together for the problem of the week (P.O.W.) I asked her if she wanted to work with me and she said, “Sure?” So we worked on the project and after the project we just started talking to each other and she soon became my best friend and till this day she is still my best friend despite the fact that we fight someti,es and we disagree with each other, she is still my best friend. One of my other best friends is Arcelia C. The way that we became friends is when Ms. Coalson (our science teacher) moved Arcelia to sit next to me and I remember thinking “Why do I have to sit next to HER of all people I have to sit next to HER.....” she said she was thinking this, “Ughh this girl really?” But then we started talking to each other and we became friends.

Positives of da week

Heyooo how is everyone? Good? Okay today I have been put against my will (not really) to do this post, about three positives of the week (so far). Well, for one I went up on my math MAP test by four points!! I......! I just hope that I go up on tomorrow’s test (5-9-10) so that I get the incentive!

Map testing! (Exciting, not really)

So, tomorrow we have MAP testing at HMS (heritage middle school) for math, ELA etc. I’m not looking forward because i don’t like tests but a test where you have more than 10 questions I HATE (sorry to all of my teachers because it’s teacher appreciation week) I just finished my first MAP test that had 56 QUESTIONS that is just way too much for me

50 posts!

Today, I have reached 50 assigned and free blog posts I feel really accomplished because I have a lot of free posts and a lot of assigned posts. This has changed my point of view because I know that I have to do two posts every week.

Greek Day!

On Thursday April 26, 2018 we had Greek day in social studies in which we went to the “Agora” which was just the little place by the dumpsters but an Agora is an Ancient Greek trading market. After the agora we went to the Emerson playground and remade the Ancient Greek Olympics where we did the following events Discuss, long jump, 100 meter dash etc.