Free post (about my best friends)

Emily Z. A.K.A. Fabio is in my math class where I am currently writing this blog post. Emily and I have been friends ever since the beginning of fifth grade when we wanted to work together for the problem of the week (P.O.W.) I asked her if she wanted to work with me and she said, “Sure?” So we worked on the project and after the project we just started talking to each other and she soon became my best friend and till this day she is still my best friend despite the fact that we fight someti,es and we disagree with each other, she is still my best friend. One of my other best friends is Arcelia C. The way that we became friends is when Ms. Coalson (our science teacher) moved Arcelia to sit next to me and I remember thinking “Why do I have to sit next to HER of all people I have to sit next to HER.....” she said she was thinking this, “Ughh this girl really?” But then we started talking to each other and we became friends.


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