Fiction story Last chapter (free post)

Hey everyone my name is Brianna R. Today I’m going to be continuing my fiction story from one of my last posts which I really wanted to continue! So here’s the rest of the story:
John: “So this is what I heard, grandpa was saying that he had nothing to do with what happened to gramma!” Now they are in the attic and all the doors are locked and the windows are also locked, Sarah: “I doubt that happened you are such a liar John I’m going to see for myself!” John: “No Sarah it’s too dangerous for you to go please don’t go...” Sarah: “I think I can handle it I’m 13!” John: “If you say so...” So Sarah went to look for her dad and all she heard was the police with her grandpa in handcuffs and her dad in the kitchen trying so stay calm so Sarah got scared so she ran back to John and said Sarah: “You were right it’s too dangerous!” John: “What did I tell you?” Sarah: “I know but I was just curious!”   The end hope you enjoyed


  1. I'm so glad you continued this story! I think there could be so much more to this, it's not the end, is it? Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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