My scary story

Hello and welcome back and if you’re new my name is Brianna R. Here’s my scary story:
(This is true by the way) So I was like four or five at the time, and my mom some of her co-workers, my little brother he was two or three at the time, and I went to the bowling alley and I still go to this bowling alley called AMF Forest Lanes amazing place by the way. So we went there and I went to bowl and I wanted to “be cool like the grownups” and purposely curve the ball when I bowled and I instead THREW the ball (like a champ) haha and as I was walking back (according to my mom) I slipped and fell on my elbow and my mom was like “ Oh you’ll be fine it’s just a little bump you’ll be fine.” So I said in a whiny voice “BUT MOM IT REALLY HURTS!!!” So she said “GO SIT DOWN BRIANNA!?!” So I went and sat down and my mom said I was crying for 45 minuets STRAIGHT then my mom was like “Ok you my friend are going to the Emergency Room, because it’s about to be an hour that you’ve been crying for. So I said “Ok mom.” So we dropped off my little brother at home and we met my dad at the hospital (all my moms co-workers left) and I don’t remember what he said. That’s all I remember sorry if you wanted to hear more but like I said I was like four or five years old.


  1. Oh goodness! I'm glad you went to the hospital and everything is OK now. Thank you for sharing your post this week!


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