Fiction story

Hello and welcome back to my blog and you’re new my name is Brianna R. Today I’m going to make up a fiction story for you guys so here we go... One day there was a little girl named Sarah and she was gifted with the voice of an angel. Her little brother John was gifted with the ability to draw ANYTHING he wanted to. For their mom...well she’s passed on let’s just say that for now okay... So their dad was the only person they lived with besides their gramma and grandpa their dad was gifted with the power of telepathy so was their gramma and grandpa. One day they went to the zoo with their dad while gramma and grandpa were sleeping and when they got back from the zoo they found their gramma on the floor with a glass cup and their grandpa their grandpa freaking out as they called the ambulance Sarah started using her beautiful voice because she was sad and their dad having a conversation with his father (in their minds) and here’s what happened: Dad: “Dad what happened just now WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MOM!?!?” Grandpa: “I don’t know one minute I’m in the bathroom and the next I come out I see your mother on the floor with a glass cup...” Dad: “ I feel like you did this dad and if you did just tell me so I’m not freaking out!” Grandpa: “Ok here’s what happened...... TBC (to be continued.....)


  1. Thank you for sharing, this was a very sad and strong story, nice job for putting really good thought into this. I love to here was happens next.

  2. Good story! It was very sad, and I'm curious to see how this will be continued! Thank you for sharing this week.


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