News This Week

Hi and welcome back to my blog and if you’re new my name is Brianna R. Today we are taking about the shooting in Las Vegas it was a very sad day many people passed and over “At least 58 people were killed and at least 500 others were injured Sunday night when a gunman fired into an outdoor country musical festival crowd from the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.” My mom went to Las Vegas for her birthday on September 17th, but luckily she didn’t get hurt because the shooting did not occur at the time. So 500 people were injured and 58 killed, I feel sorry for everyone who lost or was someone involved in this shooting I’m sorry for your loss if you are reading this and you were a victim of the Las Vegas Shooting I’m glad you’re ok and I know that everyone is happy as well. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your post this week. I can tell you researched and worked hard on this. Good use of sharing evidence from different texts. I also like that you added how it affected you personally and your feelings on those affected. Good job!


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