On the first day of school I saw my friends, I smelled lunch, I tasted my water from my water bottle, I heard my amazing 2 teachers Ms. Choe and Mr. Miley, I touched my hands.
Hi and welcome back to my blog and if you’re new my name is Brianna R. Today we are talking about Digital Citizenhsip which is when you respect other people’s devices and your devices. I respect my devices by staying on appropriate websites, appropriate apps, not going on inappropriate websites, innapropiate apps.
Hello and welcome back to my blog and if you are new my name is Brianna R. So my blog is for ELA English Language Arts if you didn’t know that already. So anyway here is my story.... Once Upon A Time there was a little girl named Brianna R she had 2 siblings at the time her older brother and her older sister, now she is 11 years old (The narrator of this story) now she has 4 siblings 3 brothers and 1 sister she is the middle child of all her siblings...... HOPEFULLY NEXT POST WILL HAVE THE REST OF THIS STORY ADD A COMMENT IF YOU LIKED IT SO FAR!!!!!! BYEEEEE
Hi and welcome back to my blog and if you're new to my blog my name is Brianna R. As many of you know or all of you know Hurricane Irma took this weekend in the Dominican Republic and in the United States in Florida and in other states down south and coming up to Illinois but it's only going to be a thunderstorm. Hurricane Irma has caused a lot of damage but a lucky few houses have survived the hurricane and sadly many people have lost their lives because of this terrible event that took place this weekend.